Campaign I Love Myself

I love Myself is a campaign focused on young people who pass through any kind of emotional disorder as bulimia, anorexia, bullying, depression.

Hollywood é aqui!

Hollywood é Aqui é um sonho que virou realidade, é a sua conexão direta com Los Angeles, sem sair de casa.

Pencils of Promise

There are currently more than 61 million children without access to education, but together we can do something about it.

quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2012

Você é mais forte do que imagina, acredite!

A vida é tão frágil que num piscar de olhos tudo pode mudar, se pro bem ou pro mal eu não sei, isso varia de perspectiva para perspectiva, o olhar com o qual encaramos as coisas, se encaramos as perdas como aprendizados, se aguentamos os fardos pesados do dia-a-dia como um exercício físico para fortalecer a nossa alma. Ás vezes me pergunto o quanto uma pessoa pode suportar?, quanta dor um coração pode carregar, sem que sua mente perda completamente a razão e o sentido da vida?

Ás vezes eu acho que nossa mente é tão auto-destrutiva quanto auto protetora, a mesma mente que é capaz de criar pensamentos negativos e nos matar com lembranças que reabrem feridas antigas, é a que se auto defende contra todas as noticias ruins nos fazendo acreditar que tudo ficará bem, nossa mente cria um campo de defesa e lá deposita aquilo pelo qual vale a pena lutar e seguir em frente, nesse campo de defesa nos sentimos seguros, como se nada pudesse nos atingir, nossa mente auto protetora desliga nossas emoções nos tornando por vezes até um pouco frios em relação a pequenas perdas e estresses do cotidiano, nossa mente amadurece e se torna capaz de suportar tantas coisas, que ficamos espantados quando por algum motivo viajamos no tempo e nos lembramos de todas aquelas dificuldades que passamos bravamente, não ilesos, mas vivos, vivos o suficiente para nos reinventarmos e tentar de novo.

terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012

The Hurt & The Healer

Há momentos na nossa vida em que nos sentimos tão vazios mas tão vazios que isso pesa dentro de nós, e esse vazio se torna um fardo pesado de se carregar.. então eu me pergunto como isso é possivel? Como o vazio pode ser tão pesado?
E os dias se passam e esse buraco começa a se encher, enche-se com nossas decepções, perdas, derrotas, desanimo, temores e angustias, e então o que estava vazio se torna tão cheio, mas tão cheio que explodimos, essa explosão gera lágrimas, lágrimas salgadas, lágrima de dor, lágrimas de tristeza, 
lágrimas de luto.
Esse momento por mais doloroso que seja foi proporcionado pelo próprio Deus, é, por Deus, pois Ele não quer que sigamos mentindo para nós mesmos que tudo ficará bem, que estamos bem, quando não nos sentimos assim, enquanto não demonstrarmos que estamos feridos, machucados e fracos, Ele não poderá nos curar, feridas escondidas infeccionam, porém feridas expostas cicatrizam.
Deixe Deus curar as suas feridas.

~~* ✩ *~~

There are moments in our lives when we feel so empty, but so empty, that it weighs within us, and this emptiness becomes a heavy burden to carry.. then I wonder, how this is possible? 
How can the empty be so heavy?
And the days go by and this hole begins to fill, fill up with our disappointments, losses, defeats, discouragement, fears and anxieties, and what was empty once becomes to be full, but so full that we explode, this explosion generates tears, salty tears, tears of pain, tears of sadness, tears of mourning.
That moment, although it is painful, it was a moment provided by God himself, yes, by God, it's because He doesn't want us to follow lying to ourselves that everything will be fine, that we're fine when we don't feel this way, while we don't demonstrate that we are injured, bruised and weak, He can't heal us, hidden wounds goes infected, but exposed wounds goes to heal.
Let God heal your wounds.

quinta-feira, novembro 08, 2012

Meet Devon Haas!

Today's question is: who is Devon Haas?
Don't let this little girl fool you, behind of this cute little face there's a girl with a big voice, and she has no fear to using it.
One day I was on the internet and found Devon's twitter page, I started to read them and I remember I was amazed to know that she's only 8. 
Yesterday we had a conversation about politic, yes, you've heard right, a 20 years old girl had a conversation about politic with a 8 years old girl. 
And then I realized how special that kid was.

 Introducing Devon Haas:

At first sight you may think that she's Nina Dobrev's little sister (I thought that at the beggining) I won't blame you, they are so alike.  

And both have a special place in Ian's heart, haven't they?  

Devon's 8 years old, actress, model, humanist, activist, Kids Army founder.. And the apple of Ian's eyes (Writer's note).

The Kids Army

But what makes Devon Haas a special child is that she has been using her voice to a great cause. Everything began when Devon contacted ISF to make a donation, she donated her tooth fairy money because she wanted to change the world, but she knew that she didn’t have a voice. So, ISF gave to her a voice and a free pass to make her change. What they couldn't imagine was the acception that Devon had, she really did her voice be listened. Together with ISF, she created the Kids Army, a place where kids do have a voice! There they share their love to this planet and their care to the animals, they are really focused to heal this world, the world we (the adults people) screwed up. I said that and I also admit there are small cares we take for granted, we can't blame God, not even the mother nature for give us back what we did to her.

Recently, the East Coast faced the devastating Sandy, the hurricane that destroyed many places and left over than 110 deaths, since its begins in Caribbean. Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes are nothing but the result of our lately actions. If we had the same spirit that these children have today, we could have avoided this. But, thank God there are kids like Devon that are caring for this planet, for their future.

I wish I had her initiative when I was 8, but it's never too late, we still can make the change, we just need to follow this small steps.

"Be the best version of you, the one that you can be proud of."

xoxo, Luana.

Kids Army on twitter:
Kids Army 
ISF Kids Army Texas
Kids Army Brazil 
ISFKids Canada
Kids Army PH
Raven Hayut
Kids Army AUS (Hope)
Find more here: Kids Army on twitter.

quarta-feira, novembro 07, 2012

My election review.

Every time I come here to write something I always ask God's permission, this because since I'm talking in the name of God, I have to be careful, because some people will see God the way I'm showing him. I want to make a quickly review about the election, I know that you're sick of listen/read about that, but what can I do if this matters and need to be clarified.

First of all: Why this matters?
Well, since the US is the big potency of this world and all the countries are focused on it, what happens there affect us. So, this election was important to all of us!
Second of all: Why this matters to Christians?
That's the point, the crucial point! This election seemed like the State was against the Church, this because Romney was defending the bible principles while Obama was focusing his campaign in freedom and equality, which means, same sex marriage and women rights including the abortion. (I wrote about here: Abortion)

The big question is: Why I supported Obama instead of Romney?
I have to admit that I was waiting for this election be over, before write openly about this. Because as a Christian I didn't agree with some Obama's proposals, because I can't deny what the bible says about the homosexualism, and abortion, and several principles that have been crushed by society. But I also can't deny that people voices is so powerful that not even Romney (with his principles) could avoid that some laws be legalized. That's the reason that Jesus said:  John 16:33

We can't run away from the troubles, we also can't fight back with violence, hate and discrimination. It's such a shame to me as a Christian, watching how disgusting is the way that some "christians" have been acting and reacting about all that. Jesus didn't taught us that. He taught: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 16:12

So, if you are a true follower of Jesus Christ you shoud be loving more, and judging less. We don't have to compelling people to believe in what we believe, but we have to show them the truth, leading with love, show them a God full of love that gave His only son for love of us. And instead of criticize Obama, or his proposals, pray for him, pray to God give him skill to command this country, pray for this world.
"You don't need to go to the war, just pray and let God fight for us! Let God be God."